How our internal deodorant benefits gut health

How our internal deodorant benefits gut health.

I'm sure by now we all know that chlorophyll is the jade-toned pigment found in fruits, veggies, and other plants. Not only does it add a green hue to your green juices but it also is a huge source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, chlorophyll is best known for its detoxifying properties. But what many people don’t know is that it also support gut health.

“Chlorophyll helps with digestion by increasing health bacteria in the gut. It’s also antimicrobial, so it gets rid of harmful bacteria while maintaining healthy ones,” says  Lisa Samuels, RD, founder of The Happie House.

She also goes on to explain that “Chlorophyll is also know as detoxifying, it detoxifies the liver which than is shown to help digest fats!” 


We don’t give parsley enough credit! This herb does more than make your plate look pretty! 


Parsley helps with inflammation all over the body but especially in our gut because it’s high in antioxidants like vitamin C, A, and E, which can help soothe inflammation. 


Parsley can also settle your stomach! “It can help aid in digestion and help reduce bloating,”says Amanda Capriglione RD, CDN. “It contains compounds that enable the expulsion of gas from the body.” So next time you have a big night out take It Just Works Deodorant for the extra help in bloating ! 

Peppermint may relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating and indigestion.

Mint is a leafy plant that is best known for fresh breath due to it’s cooling sensation. Mint has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments for many years.

When it comes to medical uses, mint is commonly given to prevent digestion issues. Taking peppermint oil reduces abdominal pain and helps treat irritable bowel syndrome without producing side effects.


If you’re trying to improve your gut health & digestion but also wanting to smell fresh all day long try out our Internal deodorant that keeps you fresh from top to toe 👣🌱🤍


1 comment

  • JoJo

    I’m on my third bottle, and just ordered the six-pack bundle. I love this stuff! It helps ease my tummy on the regular, makes my skin smooth and glowing, and has conquered any b.o…especially under the arms! Please offer discounts for your return/regular customers, too!
    (So that we can take it continuously!!)
    Amazing! ☆☆☆☆☆

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